Friday, July 8, 2011

I wanted another Wednesday night but....I'll take it anyway.

I had a helluva day at work today.  I was busy from the get go.  Insanely busy with only 15 minutes to eat lunch.  I was really looking forward to running, I couldn't wait! 

I got home at 5:25 and had a large glass of wine on the deck with hubby and ranted about my day.  I knew that if I wanted to run, I needed to do it right away or I would finish this bottle of wine and start another.  I didn't want to be running Saturday, Sunday and Monday.  Three days in a row with no break couldn't be a good thing.  Not at this point. 

I knew the route I wanted to take.  It was 1.83 miles and I had mapped it out about two weeks ago.  I thought that I would expand it some so that I would be running at least 2+ miles tonite.  I couldn't wait to feel that exhiliration I felt on Wednesday night. 

I left the house and ran to 66th street and then from X street to N. Cotner.  My plan was to run to Holdrege and then run up to 69th and back to X and then to my house at 68th. 

I did purchase a Dr. Scholl's athletic orthotic yesterday and put it in the Left Running Shoe. 

I started out pretty good.  I didn't feel alot of strain in my Left lower leg, which is good.  It was so incredibly hot.  It was 90 degrees at 6pm and the route I took was intermittently shady and sunny.  Lots of traffic and I was running on sidewalk and paved bike trails.  It felt so good to be running and unbearably uncomfortable at the same time.  I couldn't wait for it to be over.  Ugh!

Needless to say, I cut the run short and ran up Starr (which is 1 block South of Holdrege) and turned on 68th and ran home.  I ran a total of 1.43 miles tonite.

I felt equal strain in both legs tonite.  I'm sure that's a result of the orthotic in my left shoe.   I guess it must be working so far.   

I was disappointed to not experience the "high" I did on Wednesday but  I felt victorius at the same time because I could've sat on the deck and finished that bottle of wine and not ran......but I didn't.  I followed through. 

I will however either run early tomorrow morning, or later in the evening to avoid the heat.....and I'm thinking of going back to the trail, to the lush shade of the trees , the soft give of the dirt trail below my feet, the quiet swish of my ponytail and the beauty that is the Mopac all around me. 

1 comment:

  1. Good for you, Veronica! It is so much easier to just sit, than it is to move. . .especially if a bottle of wine is involved. I miss the runner's high, but I don't know if I'll ever feel confident to run again. Maybe just fast paced walking. Good for you. . .just keep going! :D
